Fastest Heart Kill Rates

1. Taranis


81.74 %/h

2024-02-28 20:48 Z

2. Indra


46.09 %/h

2024-07-08 21:47 Z

3. Hadad


38.87 %/h

2024-05-24 21:06 Z

4. Leigong


38.45 %/h

2024-03-16 21:05 Z

5. Oya


30.82 %/h

2024-04-18 21:04

6. Thor


24.94 %/h

2024-08-15 20:06 Z

7. Raijin


19,07 %/h

2024-10-22 18:59 Z

?. Cocijo



This leaderboard tracks the fastest destruction rates of Elite Dangerous Thargoid Titan hearts, measured as the percentage of heart health lost per hour for a single heart.

Contact : CMDR Rydianna